Barry Aird – Rough as a Bear’s Bum

English stage, screen and voice actor, Barry Aird joins us for some hot under the collar chat.  Why would anyone need a bucket of that? What’s wrong with 70’s swimming pools, are plantar warts always bad? Double dipping, some top tier acting tips and...

Stewart McCheyne – Analysis Paralysis

Episode 4 kicks off the Christmas season with panto performer, musician and TV star, Stewart McCheyne, who insists it is the only way to spell Stewart. He takes us on a tour of Gaelic accents and gets shirty about a particular dairy non-dairy product! Would you like...

Paul Zenon – Mad as a box of chips

Episode 4 has H & H visiting Paul Zenon, arguably one of the UK’s first real street magicians. Listen in as we find out what Paul thinks about the corporate world, how he like his chips served and what he thinks about Hawkwind’s fifteenth album. Why do...